Our 35 social workers support over 60 primary, intermediate and secondary schools across Auckland. For a full list, please click here.
Social workers in schools are employed by ATWC, based in schools and work collaboratively with the school, the community and other relevant agencies to support and advocate for students and their whanau. It is a confidential service that requires whanau consent. Anyone can refer, please find our referral form here.
SWiS focus on ensuring children have the best opportunity to engage in education. In addition to one-to-one and family work, we design, develop and provide group programmes to build students’ self-esteem, social skills, confidence and inter-personal relationships.

Social Workers in Schools can:
- Work with individuals and also with their families or extended family
- Work with teachers, public health nurses and other school staff
- Assist with housing/benefits and access to community support and networks
- Offer parenting support
- Discuss legal advice
- Support referrals to community-based services such as counsellors
- Provide group programmes to support students at school
- Offer advocacy support to young people and families
Our social workers can help with issues including bullying, peer pressure and relationships, family relationships, pregnancy, domestic violence, drug and alcohol issues and mental health issues such as depression, grief and self-harm.
How do I contact a Social Worker?
You can call your child’s school and ask to speak with the Social Worker in School or alternatively, you can phone ATWC and ask to speak with a SWIS Practice Manager.
SWiS workers are at school most days but are sometimes off-site as their work involves visiting families at home and working with other agencies.
Who Can Refer You to the Social Worker?
You can refer yourself to a social worker. Your teachers, deans, family or friends can also refer you with your consent and your family will not be referred without your consent.
More Information
To learn more about SWiS, please contact ATWC