Engaging Priority Families Referral HomeWhat we doEarly Childhood EducationEngaging Priority FamiliesEngaging Priority Families Referral Complete the referral form below. 1Step 12Step 23Step 34Step 41/4Step 1Referral Agency Details Name of Person * Position of Referral Person & Agency * Physical / Postal Address * Consent from Family for Referral YesNo Email * Phone * Mobile * Fax Date of Referral * Next Child's Details Full Name of Child * DOB NOTE: Child must be 3 to 5 years old to qualify Ethnicity * Gender MF First Caregiver's Details Full Name * Relationship to Child * Full Physical Address * Is there one or more dogs on the property? YesNo Best contact number(s) * Age * Ethnicities you identify with (please list these) * Any other known risks identified * Second Caregiver's Details (optional) Full Name Relationship to Child Full Physical Address Is there one or more dogs on the property? YesNo Best contact number(s) Age Ethnicities you identify with (please list these) BackNext Referral criteria (Please tick to indicate criteria are being met) Family/Whanau resides within EPF contracted area (see options below) MANUKAU WARD: Mangere, Otahuhu, Otara, PapatoetoeMANUREWA WARD: Manurewa, Papakura, TakaniniPUKETAPAPA WARD: Hillsborough, Lynfield, Mt. Roskill, Three Kings,Waikowhai, Wesley, parts of Royal OakWHAU WARD: Avondale, Blockhouse Bay, Green Bay, Kelston,New Lynn, New Windsor, Rosebank Child/Tamariki meets the age criteriaThe Child/Tamariki must be 3 to 5 years old Child/Tamariki is not attending an Early Childhood Education (ECE) serviceThe child/tamariki has not attended an ECE ever OR within the last 3 months Other information Low income status Lack of essential resources: Family/Whanau is living in the most vulnerable situations Family/Whanau consent for referral: Consent must be given by the family/whanau prior to working with them Oranga Tamariki Involvement: Family has had Oranga Tamariki involvement in the past Reason for Referral BackNext Consent I/We consent to being referred to Engaging Priority Families. Signature * [signature* cf-epf-signature] Back